In a world of infinite pieces, each distinct in its shape, color, and story, ARC is a tribute to the bridges we build between individuality and unity. An arc symbolizes connection—between moments, people, and ideas. It is the curve of a journey, the trajectory of transformation, and the radiant path of light through stained glass.
Each artist, like a unique fragment, brings their own heritage, rhythm, and soul—together forming a luminous arc that spans across diversity. Alone, each piece is unique; united, they create a greater whole illuminated by the interplay of differences.
ARC invites us to explore the connection and transitions—where sounds, styles, and voices meet, overlap, and evolve into something profound. It is a reminder that in the grand mosaic of life, the arcs we create are the bridges that bring us closer, revealing the bond between our shared existence.
Jone of Arx
Becky Stroke b2b Nanzhen Yang
Orchestration - GOEN x UNDO
Co-curation - Yanxiu Liu
Poster - Xeno / GOEN